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2016-06-01 03:02:59 JST

@kohyu1952 @luna_cuore @bokutoukinema 城卓矢かと思った(^^; 

2016-06-01 02:25:18 JST

@paulizzo35 @BeladonnaRogers China put their crimes onto Japan.
You should know their brutality.

2016-06-01 02:24:44 JST

@paulizzo35 @BeladonnaRogers Chinese were like ISIS. They did myriad of murders/atrocities during WW2.

2016-06-01 01:41:19 JST

@Jnkmrgenkai 呆れた話ですね。

2016-06-01 01:31:15 JST

@GORGONOPSID I agree. Thanks for the conversation. Have a good day!

2016-06-01 01:12:43 JST

@GiordanSergio @RustyBatchelor @alaho35745 @Westxgal We need them,need no apology. Jpn has to protect against PRC.

2016-06-01 01:11:00 JST

@GiordanSergio @RustyBatchelor @alaho35745 @Westxgal You're a Mr Trump's supporter? He must be a good man. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-japan-south-korea-might-need-nuclear-weapons/

2016-06-01 00:53:45 JST


2016-06-01 00:47:56 JST


2016-06-01 00:34:50 JST

@GORGONOPSID source: https://www.mofa.go.jp/na/na1/us/page4e_000241.html
That might not be "apology", but he must have shown his honest feelings.

2016-06-01 00:34:01 JST

@GORGONOPSID Thanks for understand me. Let me show you this. PM Abe's address at the US congress last year. pic.twitter.com/p1ljgzeeqo

2016-06-01 00:18:29 JST

@PhilAMellows Bayoneted baby- Chinese propaganda, one of the Staged photo. pic.twitter.com/hUgcjax9NM

2016-06-01 00:16:16 JST

@PhilAMellows A victim of air raid on Shanghai. NOT Nanking's. pic.twitter.com/iiF8A4Oc6f

2016-06-01 00:13:11 JST

@PhilAMellows Please do not use wrong/fake/staged photos.
NOT Nanking's. pic.twitter.com/NRgJAHBnwV

2016-06-01 00:04:34 JST

@shilohaura @larryelder Both were not innocent. Both were not criminals.

2016-05-31 23:49:07 JST

@GaetaSusan In 1937, America was fooled by Chiang Kai-shek and his advisers from Nazi Germany. pic.twitter.com/zZwcN8x49B

2016-05-31 23:30:00 JST



2016-05-31 20:06:58 JST


2016-05-31 19:58:56 JST


2016-05-31 19:27:58 JST

@realkingrobbo Who are they? https://www.okinawatimes.co.jp/photo_detail/?id=170767&pid=3042164 Radical feminist group? How troublesome.

2016-05-31 19:14:43 JST

@realkingrobbo Activists including leftie Koreans. I'm sure the crime is personal issue,nothing to do with the US base.

2016-05-31 19:12:49 JST

@realkingrobbo From Japan. Most of the Japanese don't support them. They are leftie activists,including pro-N.Korea/pro-PRC.

2016-05-31 18:11:46 JST

@RobinFlatt @TAMAGAWABOAT @richard_mcenroe @wishladya Thre are real reels/pics. There was a battle,but no massacre. https://web.library.yale.edu/divinity/nanking/photographs

2016-05-31 18:01:10 JST

@TAMAGAWABOAT 彼らは真珠湾だけでは引き合わないのが分かっているから南京や捏造事案を持ち出す。その悪循環を断ち切るには時間が掛かると思うんです。アメリカは先住民や奴隷制度など認め反省したが時間が掛かった。急いではダメだったんです。中国牽制には他の方法があるはず。

2016-05-31 17:47:29 JST

@TAMAGAWABOAT 中国を牽制など出来たのか?と思います。レーガン大統領がドイツ戦没者墓地を訪問した時も物議を醸した。ナチスの悪行は事実でありガッツリ保守のレーガンでさえ、です。安倍首相はアメリカを見くびっていたのではないでしょうか。和解もシナ牽制も見えてこない。

2016-05-31 14:56:55 JST


2016-05-31 14:15:27 JST

@ASakardinets China to replace America?! https://www.amazon.com/Hundred-Year-Marathon-Strategy-Replace-Superpower/dp/1250081343/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1464671562&sr=1-1&keywords=hundred+++marathon

2016-05-31 14:14:05 JST

@ASakardinets I'm not joking.I'm sure American conservative people are fooled by PRC. If they hold on illusions about China,they would be..

2016-05-31 13:57:05 JST

@ASakardinets That's an interesting point of view. It must be a conspiracy of China/communists!

2016-05-31 13:45:08 JST

@ASakardinets The past issue. They are now sabotaging them??

2016-05-31 13:37:18 JST

@ASakardinets Too far. @ceconomou56 @lesannmc @RedRising11

2016-05-31 13:18:09 JST

@ASakardinets You are anti-US/anti-West??  @ceconomou56 @lesannmc @RedRising11

2016-05-31 13:07:28 JST

@ASakardinets @true_born_son @ceconomou56 @lesannmc @RedRising11 terrorists? who?

2016-05-31 12:42:37 JST

@scrowder Which was a racist nation?! The Allies closed the door to Jewish people. https://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/exhibitions/this_month/march/16.asp

2016-05-31 12:20:54 JST

@true_born_son @ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11 Americans don't know this? https://www.mofa.go.jp/na/na1/us/page4e_000241.html pic.twitter.com/cvhRQKVHFn

2016-05-31 12:16:04 JST

@true_born_son @ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11 Jpn has never urged America to apologise. OTC she has once refused it.

2016-05-31 11:47:16 JST

@true_born_son @ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11 In Jpn,anti-nuclear acticists including pro-N.Korea Koreans. How could you!

2016-05-31 11:45:03 JST

@true_born_son @ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11 BTWyour president's visit encourages anti-nuclear activists. How could you!

2016-05-31 11:37:31 JST

@true_born_son @ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11 Both were not innocent. Losers have no say. https://uncensoredhistory.blogspot.jp/2012/10/american-soldiers-hated-japanese-pow.html?utm_source=BP_recent

2016-05-31 11:15:53 JST

@Kleachy71 Hello from Japan.
Pls read this. https://www.mofa.go.jp/na/na1/us/page4e_000241.html pic.twitter.com/hinxR1Bdzy

2016-05-31 10:56:56 JST

@GORGONOPSID @AzTheBaz @Vghandi I agree. Good luck!

2016-05-31 10:55:26 JST

@GORGONOPSID @AzTheBaz @Vghandi Only the third parties and leftie media are fuss up this issue. Most Japanese say nothing. Pls ignore them.

2016-05-31 10:31:47 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko I see. Pls know. Even when America has liberal president,PM Abe has to get well with him.

2016-05-31 10:29:59 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko That's a problem. We don't need apology,only need stability.

2016-05-31 10:28:16 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko In fact, the visit is exploited by lefties/anti-nuclear-activists including Koreans who are pro-N. Korea.

2016-05-31 10:22:33 JST

@alaho35745 @Westxgal America was fooled by Chiang kai-shek who supported by Nazi Germany. The cause of the war. pic.twitter.com/olRh9vR4gv

2016-05-31 10:19:16 JST

@GORGONOPSID @AzTheBaz @Vghandi Why do you blame Japan? We have never urged America to apologise. The visit is your president's fault.

2016-05-31 10:15:44 JST

@ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11 Good idea! Then we would have nukes. No apology needed,only need nuclear deterrent.

2016-05-31 10:11:04 JST

@ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11 Don't change the subject. As for the issues of China,most of them are fabrications.

2016-05-31 10:04:08 JST

@GORGONOPSID @AzTheBaz @Vghandi Not only in Germany.

2016-05-31 10:00:01 JST

@ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11
A pic of other conflict. pic.twitter.com/wEclWKjoYB

2016-05-31 09:58:31 JST

@ceconomou56 @ASakardinets @lesannmc @RedRising11
Staged scene created by China. pic.twitter.com/TiDt5Z3D3n

2016-05-31 09:54:48 JST

@GORGONOPSID @AzTheBaz @Vghandi German cities?
Burned out cities in Japan. pic.twitter.com/dhqF5tuFqh

2016-05-31 09:36:57 JST

@alaho35745 @Westxgal and Japan has never urged America to apologise. The visit is your president's decision.Your fault to have him.

2016-05-31 09:31:25 JST

@alaho35745 @Westxgal ?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan

2016-05-31 09:26:35 JST

@shanep1 Why makes you so angry? Those words belong to a Japanese lady,Mrs Jodai's.

2016-05-31 08:45:26 JST

@AmericanVet3 @NPR Your president's statement,not Japan's! The visit encourages lefties in Japan. "Pacifists" are bothersome.Leave us alone.

2016-05-31 07:37:10 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko YOU should have stopped your president. Japan has once refused that. Never twice.

2016-05-31 07:35:05 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko There is a little problem with his visit. It encourages lefties/anti-nuclear-acticits in Japan. Troublesome.

2016-05-31 07:28:32 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko and Pre Obama's visit is his decision, not Japan's. You have a liberal president. That's not Japan's fault.

2016-05-31 07:27:35 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko You only believe what you want to believe? I don't get what you really want.

2016-05-31 03:22:41 JST

@therobster1776 @USATODAY @POTUS
America had a great,sensible personage.Mr President shld have known him.

2016-05-31 01:27:12 JST

(音楽・監修が何という豪華さ)  @hinatanococo pic.twitter.com/3FRKCmA1Bl

2016-05-31 01:07:52 JST


保守本流 →  https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/244455/meaning/m0u/ 
保守傍流 →  https://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/jn/244454/meaning/m0u/

2016-05-31 00:59:40 JST


2016-05-31 00:48:33 JST



2016-05-31 00:44:31 JST

https://ippjapan.org/archives/1565  @hinatanococo

2016-05-31 00:42:53 JST


2016-05-30 22:45:03 JST

@yobu_dai @subutano @tsukikiyora 渡部昇一氏の本にケネディ大統領が池田首相に、今の中国は歴史の長い幻想の国では無い、と言ったとか載ってました。

2016-05-30 22:35:51 JST

@ponkohaha000 @111g0 東アジア黙示録さんに詳しいことが。 https://dogma.at.webry.info/200803/article_7.html

2016-05-30 22:35:12 JST

@ponkohaha000 @111g0 1989年チベットで大規模な弾圧→チベット僧蜂起→虐殺がありました。総統が胡錦濤。当時を覚えていますが新聞の国際ニュースでは片隅の3行しか記事は無い。どこかの雑誌か何かで報道されたか、その時にチベットの実情を知った人も多いと思います。

2016-05-30 19:31:09 JST

@jlconnell66 @SpiritusGladius Investigation about Chinese staged photos by a Canadian journalist. pic.twitter.com/AzUfNPAPeI

2016-05-30 19:21:31 JST

@jlconnell66 @SpiritusGladius Photos of Chinese executions in 1900s~1930s. China uses them as "Japan's atrocities" pic.twitter.com/uOqmTFiQGN

2016-05-30 19:17:32 JST

@jlconnell66 @SpiritusGladius Another one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai_massacre_of_1927 pic.twitter.com/6xZP88rgWU

2016-05-30 19:15:28 JST

@jlconnell66 @SpiritusGladius Many fake/fraud/staged photos in the linked page. Like this. pic.twitter.com/V8dwyVhdto

2016-05-30 19:07:21 JST

@SowterTracy @BhoRangzen @Tibetans @VenBagdro 日本では本物のパンチェン・ラマ11世が発見されるようにと願いを込めて描かれた漫画が有名です。 

2016-05-30 18:54:28 JST

@HURRICANEPAUL @AppSame Please do not believe propaganda movies. See the actual footages and make a fair judgement. https://web.library.yale.edu/divinity/nanking/photographs

2016-05-30 17:35:00 JST

@lyndseyfifield @CBSSunday That's because some Jewish people are supporting us in secret. https://jewishcurrents.org/75th-anniversary-japans-stand-anti-semitism-23361

2016-05-30 16:57:09 JST

@subutano @yobu_dai @tsukikiyora 夫婦・友人関係も努力無しでは脆いものです(*_*; 安倍首相はご本人が左傾化したかと思うくらいリベラル・オバマさんに付き合ってる印象を受けます。語弊ありますが去年の首相米議会演説はまるで宋美齢に倣ったみたいです。

2016-05-30 16:32:47 JST

@yobu_dai @subutano @tsukikiyora サヨクが戦前に似ている、軍靴の音がーと言うのと全く違う意味で支那事変前夜という気がします。

2016-05-30 16:15:25 JST

@tsukikiyora @subutano @yobu_dai 戦場になった国、地域全てに当て嵌まると思います。支那事変では蒋介石といファシストがいた事が不幸でした。

2016-05-30 16:03:38 JST

@tsukikiyora @subutano @yobu_dai @ChouYilin 内部で罰する機能が働いていたという事ですね。中国国民を傷つけたというのは単なる神話です。

2016-05-30 16:01:19 JST

@ponkohaha000 @Sankei_news ふとモナ男さんが浮かんでしまったw 聖人君子で居る必要はないけれど、我が子の運動会を無視しちゃいかんという事でしょうねえ。

2016-05-30 15:43:44 JST

@tsukikiyora @yobu_dai @subutano @ChouYilin @EA_Warhistory いえいえ。お年寄りの話は貴重ですね。それを実証する資料を探し出し(購入し)ネット公開して下さる人達がいるので有難いです。

2016-05-30 15:31:38 JST

@ponkohaha000 @Sankei_news その点、安倍首相を批判してるのはほぼ居なかったです。褒める人まで居ました。つまり自国・自軍優先の当たり前をやってる強いリーダーは敵視されるより先に一目置かれる。

2016-05-30 15:27:53 JST

@yobu_dai @tsukikiyora 大ちゃんママさんのユニーク人材発掘のお蔭で楽しませてもらいました(^-^) 

2016-05-30 15:23:32 JST

@tsukikiyora @yobu_dai @subutano @ChouYilin 南京戦後の治安維持、復興の様子画像はこちらに。@EA_Warhistory さんからお借りします。 https://blog.livedoor.jp/ea_warhistory/archives/cat_181956.html

2016-05-30 15:19:57 JST

@yobu_dai @tsukikiyora @ChouYilin 日本に亡命しないで欲しいねw

2016-05-30 15:18:54 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko Both were not innocent. Every nation shows achievements "proudly",that's the war. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/1495651/American-troops-murdered-Japanese-PoWs.html

2016-05-30 15:12:32 JST

ごめん、あなたの事忘れてた ('_')

2016-05-30 15:02:39 JST

@yobu_dai @ChouYilin 9円君、カギかけちゃったよ~(*_*)

2016-05-30 15:00:57 JST

@ponkohaha000 @Sankei_news 今はまだオバマ広島訪問に批判的な人らも話してみれば日本に怒ってる訳じゃないオバマにだ、と言います。中には「オバマ謝罪ツアーは独立戦争で英国への謝罪まで続く」との皮肉も。けれど今後オバマ批判が飛び火する可能性も無くはない。

2016-05-30 14:51:50 JST

@ponkohaha000 @Sankei_news オバマさんがベトナム行ってホーチミン像の前に立った後でもありますからね。日本と違って対ベトナムでは勝利も和解も同盟も無い。あれで米保守層怒りが膨れ上がった所に日本へ・・

2016-05-30 14:46:05 JST

@shameonyouannaf @ChouYilin @yobu_dai うわ~ほんとにご苦労さまです~。書き込み1件につき9円か、意外と安いな。バイト君は当局に見くびられてるんじゃないのかw

2016-05-30 14:41:50 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai 上の写真左は1937年上海戦で、国民党軍が怖くて逃げて来たシナ民衆難民が日本軍に助けを求めに来た時のもの。

2016-05-30 14:39:34 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai 日本軍がやった証拠としては僅かな処刑場面しか無いのです。戦時の簡易裁判or無裁判での捕虜処刑はどこ国にもあります。
後はシナでの日本兵、こんな写真が大量に存在します。 pic.twitter.com/KTjQmiwbyn

2016-05-30 14:33:48 JST

@ponkohaha000 もちろん被曝当事者の方達の安堵には意義があるとは思います。私の父は当時小倉にいて一歩違えば私はここに居ない。原爆で亡くなった人達は今生きてる日本人の代わりに犠牲になったとの思いは忘れないでいたいです。

2016-05-30 14:21:03 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai 1927年広州蜂起Guangzhou Uprisingの様子は、中国人が主張する「日本軍の残忍行為」そのものなんですが、どう思いますか? 
この女性への非道行為はシナの習慣でしょう? https://news.takungpao.com.hk/history/jinian/2013-12/2103032.html

2016-05-30 14:16:13 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai 記事だけで他に証拠が無い。

2016-05-30 14:05:42 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai 「隣に悪魔みたいな残酷な事をやった奴がいる」と恐れて必死でカギをかけるでしょ。でも本当は悪魔は自分の家の中にいる・いたんですよ・・

2016-05-30 13:58:12 JST

安倍さんはバランス考慮してギリギリの線でオバマの思い出作りに付き合ったんだろうけど、中国ザマアミロという問題ではない。  @hinatanococo

2016-05-30 13:52:54 JST


2016-05-30 13:28:26 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko Look at the both sides of the shield.
3:38~ Hear them say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HknYSn-sGtU

2016-05-30 13:26:08 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai その日中戦争の間にも同胞間で虐殺しまくってました。「槍決漢奸」ですって。 pic.twitter.com/jKSroggh28

2016-05-30 13:21:05 JST

@PaulieAbeles @anuragkumarlko Losers have no say. Victors know little.

2016-05-30 13:16:20 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai psって何ですか?南京事件の写真とはどんな物を言ってるのですか?

2016-05-30 13:11:03 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai こんな画像が大量にありますよ。赤で囲んだ部分は日本軍がやったとしてすり替えられている物。1945年までは国民党が共産党員に、1945年以降は共産党が人民に、残忍行為を。他にも見せましょうか? pic.twitter.com/p8EwuNWAsV

2016-05-30 12:58:31 JST

@ChouYilin @yobu_dai 「南京虐殺」「日本軍による残忍行為」とされている残酷な死体写真、あれ全部中国人・中国軍がやったものですよ。

2016-05-30 12:40:05 JST

@RobertCaresToo I see.. America had great, sensible personages like Gen. MacArthur or B. Blakeney. We'll never forget them. Good Luck!

2016-05-30 12:23:50 JST

@RobertCaresToo Please know. PM Abe has conservative principle. But even when the US president is "liberal", PM has to get well with him.

2016-05-30 12:23:24 JST

@RobertCaresToo I agree with you.

2016-05-30 12:23:05 JST

@RobertCaresToo Thanks for understand me.

2016-05-30 12:14:57 JST

@RobertCaresToo No apology needed. No apologies needed for any wars.

2016-05-30 12:07:28 JST

@RobertCaresToo To split the Germany-China cooperation.
and to protect against communist/Soviet Russia

2016-05-30 11:57:10 JST

@RobertCaresToo In contrast, Japan stood against anti-semitism. https://www.yadvashem.org/yv/en/exhibitions/this_month/march/16.asp

2016-05-30 11:53:55 JST

@RobertCaresToo Why did America take Chiang Kai-shek's side who were supported by Nazi Germany in the late 1930s? pic.twitter.com/cska7QdZc0

2016-05-30 11:10:01 JST

@ponkohaha000 @kohyu1952 @boxerconan 私個人の印象では、アメリカ一般人はアジア情勢に興味なんか無くて自分から情報取りに行く事も無く、自分のプライドに関わる案件にだけ反応。歴史や前後事情など考慮無し。その点ではトランプ氏なんかも同じでしょう。

2016-05-30 10:47:23 JST

欧米人は日本軍だけが勝手に侵略、駐留していたかのように思ってるのか。  @hinatanococo

2016-05-30 10:40:29 JST


2016-05-30 03:59:49 JST


2016-05-30 03:50:13 JST

@g_tarr2 AfterWW2,Jpn became non militaristic nation.But America had to fight against communists, Korean War/Vietnam War.Thanks to America!

2016-05-30 03:31:38 JST

@12ypx23 Sorry but I don't understand what you want to say..

2016-05-30 03:10:47 JST

@Tide17Crimson @drscott_atlanta I get the point. I'm sure everyone in every nations hopes to have a patriotic leader. Thanks for the reply.

2016-05-30 02:59:56 JST

@PhatDaddy50 As for the "Japan's barbaric crimes in China/Korea", they are totally fabrications, Chinese propaganda.

2016-05-30 02:57:16 JST

@PhatDaddy50 I'm sure Japan was not innocent. But no devil/demon. That's all I want to say.

2016-05-30 02:43:57 JST

BTW,America was fooled by Chiang Kai shek and Germany/Hitler? https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Sino-German_cooperation_until_1941


2016-05-30 02:30:15 JST

@ezy06001 This is what China,supported by Nazi Germany, had intended to do in the late 1930s. pic.twitter.com/YiSYe2Q9ca

2016-05-30 02:22:57 JST

@ezy06001 The US invaded the Middle East? I call them "the military interventions". Japan did the same thing. pic.twitter.com/LVMMuVvNXc

2016-05-30 02:15:07 JST

@g_tarr2 @CharlesVanCott 1930s? It was China military who bombed International Settlement in Shanghai.War had broken pic.twitter.com/8ISg9wRymc

2016-05-30 02:02:48 JST

@PhatDaddy50 @netflix Please do not be fooled by China/communists. https://www.facebook.com/MichaelYonFanPage/posts/10152808327055665

2016-05-30 01:54:17 JST

@carlottacampion About this?

2016-05-30 01:52:37 JST

@carlottacampion American people know nothing about PM Abe's address at the US congress?
https://www.mofa.go.jp/na/na1/us/page4e_000241.html pic.twitter.com/JvT9kmrRe3

2016-05-30 01:42:46 JST

@kijitora_yamato 詳しい記事を見つけてくれて有難うございます。私も来日したとだけしか知らなかったので。

2016-05-30 01:31:16 JST

@ezy06001 UK invaded Israel? No.She supported the independence for Jewish people. Manchukuo for the Manchurians. Japan supported that.

2016-05-30 01:08:20 JST

@_CFJ_ The alleged "massacre", but where are the 300,000 mangled corpses? https://web.library.yale.edu/divinity/nanking/photographs pic.twitter.com/zBc9Dmn85L

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