How to Cook Whale Meat

"Any whales taken under these special permits shall so far as practicable be processed and the proceeds shall be dealt with in accordance with directions issued by the Government by which the permit was granted."
- International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling, Article VIII(2)

In 1995 Mrs. Mutsuko Ohnishi, a proprietress of whale dish restaurant "Toku-ya" in Osaka Japan, published a book "Mrs. Ohnishi's Whale Cuisine" from Kodansha (ISBN4-06-207579-2).

In 1991 she attended the 43th annual meeting of IWC at Iceland, and served whale cuisine to the attendants after the meeting. She occasionally does the similar service. According to her, the most welcomed whale cuisine by non-Japanese people is Sashimi.

In this book, she explains how to cook various dishes of not only meat but also innards, tongue, skin, cartridge in bones, etc. Size is B5, price is 2,500 yen, and text is both in Japanese and English (105 pages).

Some pictures from the book are shown below (many thanks to Mrs. Ohnishi for approval of use of pictures). To save disk space of image files, pictures were partially scanned from the original one in the book.

From a news letter of International Wildlife Management Consortium at IWC 2000
