Estimated Abundance of Minke Whales in Southern Hemisphere (IWC/IDCR)

Year of | Area     | Abundance of whales of exploitable size
survey  | surveyed |       (> 8.2 m in length) (10,12)
        |          |   I       II      III     IV      V       VI     Total
1978/79 |   IV     | 20,700  26,700  52,900  39,800  28,300   5,200  173,600  1)
  79/80 |   III    | 20,700  26,700  74,837  80,579  28,300  26,892  258,008  2)
  80/81 |   V      | 28,628  56,358  88,218  44,376  51,804  54,142  323,526  3)
  81/82 |   II     | 28,298  32,063  53,069  73,947  86,799  31,069  305,245  4)
  82/83 |   I      | 34,650  33,707  87,400 107,100 102,000  40,341  405,198  5)
  83/84 |   VI     | 25,617  22,873  50,016  53,303  66,666  39,846  258,321  6)
  84/85 |   IV     | 25,617  22,873  50,016  53,303  66,666  39,846  258,321  7)
  85/86 |   V      | 25,617  22,873  50,016  53,303  66,666  39,846  258,321  8)
  86/87 |   II     | 36,223  24,547  40,317  45,303  87,765  52,826  287,117  9)
        |          | 55,050  37,306  61,272  69,055 133,382  80,283  436,348 10)
  87/88 |   III    | 36,223  79,979  40,317  47,611 199,520  52,826  456,476 11)
        |          | 55,050 121,549  61,272  72,357 303,284  80,283  693,795 12)

* Source: Geiken Tsushin No. 372, Nov. 1988 (The Institute of Cetacean Research)
* Figures should be read with caution.   Methods of estimation and basic data
differ by season (see below).   For further details refer to reports of IWC
Scientific Committee.
* Sightings do not include whales north of 60 degrees S and within pack ice.

1) Area IV: estimated from computer model.
Other areas: from extrapolations.
IDCR results not adopted this year.

2) IDCR results adopted from this year.
Area IV: computer model, IDCR sightings and mark-recapture.
Area III: IDCR sightings and computer model.

3) Area I: sightings by Japan.
Area II: extrapolation.
Area III: IDCR sightings and mark-recapture.
Areas IV and V: IDCR sihghtings, mark-recapture and computer model.
Area VI: computer model.

4) Areas I and VI: sightings by Japan.
Other Areas: IDCR sightings.

5) Areas III, IV and V: IDCR sightings and mark-recapture.
Areas I and II: IDCR sightings
Area VI: sightings by Japan.
Computer model estimates not adopted this year.
As a result estimates in Areas III, IV and V are markedly increased.

6) All areas: IDCR sightings.
Missing rate on trackline not adopted this year.
Estimated abundance down markedly from previous year due to estimation
from mark-recapture and no adjustment for missing rate in sightings.

7) IDCR result from west part of Area IV not prepared on time.
Estimates for previous year adopted.

8) IDCR result from Area V not prepared on time.
Estimates for previous year adopted.

9) Estimates from sightings modified and adjusted by new method.

10) Estimates are for total abundance in each area.
All estimates in previous years, and (9) are for whales of exploitable size.

11) Analyses of results of second-round survey in west part of Area IV
(1984/85), Area V (1985/86) and Area II (1986/87) finished, and previous
estimates revised accordingly.
Significant changes are seen in figures in west part of Area IV and Area II.
All figures are for whales of exploitable size.

12) Total abundance.
