13. The Sanctuary

(from "Chairman's Report of the Fourteenth Meeting")

In connection with the sanctuary area in the Antarctic which remains inoperative until 8th November, 1962, the Commission had before it alternative suggestions. One was that the appropriate paragraph of the Schedule should remain inoperative until the Commission otherwise decides and the other that it should remain inoperative for a further three years. The general feeling was in favour of the first alternative and a resolution proposed by the Commissioner for the United Kingdom and seconded by the Commissioner for Australia was put forward in the following terms. "The words in the square brackets at the end of Paragraph 5 of the Schedule - This article, as the result of the Seventh Meeting in Moscow, was rendered inoperative for a period of three years from 8th November, 1958, and again as a result of the Eleventh Meeting in London was rendered inoperative for a period of three years, from 8th November, 1959 - should be added to in this way - and again as a result of the Fourteenth Meeting was rendered inoperative until the Commission otherwise decides". The resolution was accepted without objection.
