18. Clarification of Schedule and Convention
(from "Chairman's Report of the Fourteenth Meeting")
The Canadian Commissioner drew the attention of the Commission to certain
inconsistencies between the sections of the Schedule which had created
difficulties in Canada and asked for consideration to be given to the matter.
The Commission thought that a review of the Schedule and the Convention to
clarify certain points of interpretation would be difficult for legal advisers
without some guidance.
On the whole they considered it preferable to recommend that any Contracting
Government which had doubts about the legal interpretation of the Convention
or the Schedule should seek the opinion of the Commissions' legal adviser
through the Secretary of the Commission.
In the light of the Commissions' legal adviser's ruling it would then be open
to the Contracting Government, if it wished to do so, to put forward proposals
for amendment of the Convention or of the Schedule so as to clarify it, and
these could be considered by the Commission at the next meeting.
This procedure received general approval.