11. The Special Scientific Investigation

(from "Chairman's Report of the Fifteenth Meeting")

The findings resulting from the Special Scientific Investigation on the Antarctic whale stocks have been dealt with in 6 and 7 above. A continuance of this work was, however, considered necessary by the Committee of Three and the Scientific Committee in order to give advice to the Commission on the future management not only of the blue, fin and humpback whales of the Antarctic, but also of the Antarctic sei and sperm whales and of these species in areas outside the Antarctic.

This position was examined at length by the Commission. Some members felt strongly that, as the findings and recommendations of the Committee of Three had not been met by appropriate action at this meeting, there was no reason for the continuance of work the results of which were not used. On the other hand it was recalled that, at the Commission's meeting in 1960, it was agreed that: "It is the intention of the Commission in setting up this special group of scientists that the Commission should, not later than 31st July, 1964, bring the Antarctic catch limit into line with the scientific findings, having regard to the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article V of the Convention". On the proposal of the Commissioner of the U.S.A. this resolution of 1960 was re-affirmed on a show of hands. The motion was carried by 10 votes in favour.

The cost of continuing the Special Scientific Investigations during the next year had been estimated by the Scientific Committee at £3,000 and the provision of this sum was conditional on action to be taken as a result of recommendations dealt with under the section below headed "Finance". With this reserve the Commission, after some further discussion, considered a proposal by the Commissioner for the United Kingdom. This was in the form of an amendment to a recommendation by the Scientific Committee (IWC/15/3 paragraph 27) that an attempt be made for work continuing that of the Committee of Three to be carried out on behalf of the Scientific Committee and with appropriate collaboration with the International Bureau of Whaling Statistics by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The amendment was as follows:

"The Commission resolve to ask the Scientific Committee to continue its work in analysis of the stocks of whales and
requests the Members of the Committee of Three with the approval of their Governments to continue the work for one more year;
requests the Secretary to discuss with the Director-General of F.A.O. the possibility of that organization undertaking the work thereafter if requested".
The motion for this amendment was carried there being 6 votes in favour and 3 against with 4 abstentions.
