24. North Pacific Whale Stocks

(from "Chairman's Report of the Seventeenth Meeting")

Bearing in mind the Scientific Committee's views on the threat to the whale stocks in the North Pacific area, where, for instance, against a catch of 3,991 fin whales in 1964 there was an estimated sustainable yield of 1,600, the Commission considered that the four North Pacific countries, Canada, Japan, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America should meet to discuss this matter. At a first discussion under the chairmanship of Dr. McHugh, it was agreed that representatives of the countries concerned should meet sometime in 1966, probably in January or February.

25. With the acceptance of the Scientific Committee's Report the Commission agreed that the North Pacific Working Group should meet as soon as possible after the completion of the 1965 season but not later than early 1966 to complete their scientific analyses which are based so far on incomplete data.

26. The Commission also agreed that an appeal be made to the countries concerned in taking humpback whales in the Pacific Ocean north of the equator not to exceed in 1965 their catch in 1964.
