(from "Chairman's Report of the Eighteenth Meeting")
Fin Whales: 4,500 Sei Whales 4,500-7,500
In terms of Blue Whale Units this means a total of 3,000 to 3,500.
8. The Committee recommended that the Commission should consider setting
quotas sufficiently below the level of the sustainable yield so that fin whale
stocks could begin to rebuild, rather than simply be maintained at the present
low level.
The Commission was asked to consider giving complete protection to fin whales
to allow this valuable stock to rebuild.
The Committee recommended that protection of blue whales should be extended to
the whole of the Southern Hemisphere.
9. So far as stock assessment work in the following year was concerned,
the Commission accepted the recommendation of both Scientific and Technical
Committees that stock assessment work should be continued in the following
year; very precise work must be carried out in view of the importance to be
placed on the estimates that would be made of the sustainable yields.