17. Exclusion of the North Pacific Ocean and its Dependent Waters North of
the Equator from the Restrictions on the use of the Antarctic Factory
(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Second Meeting")
The Technical Committee considered a proposal by the Japanese delegation to
amend paragraph 11 of the Schedule to remove the exclusion of the North Pacific
Ocean from the ban on using in other areas in the same season factory ships
which had operated in the Antarctic.
The purpose was to rationalise the whaling industry which at present had to
maintain two kinds of factory ships, one for the Antarctic and the other for
the North Pacific.
The Japanese proposal was agreed to subject to the addition of a proviso that
catch limits for the area were established.
It was also agreed on the proposition of the Commissioner for Norway, that
minke whales should be excluded from the terms of the paragraphs.
The following amendments to paragraph 11 of the Schedule recommended by the
Technical Committee were approved by the Commission:
Second line, after "baleen whales" add "apart from minke
Third line, after "area" add "except the North Pacific Ocean
and its dependent waters north of the Equator"
Fourth line, after "season" add "provided that catch limits in
the North Pacific Ocean and dependent waters are established as provided in
paragraph 8(f), (g) and (h)"