18. Bryde's Whale

(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Second Meeting")

At its 21st meeting the Commission agreed on the proposal of the Scientific Committee that Sei and Bryde's whales should be recognised as distinct species and that appropriate amendments to the Schedule should be placed on the agenda for the 22nd meeting. The Technical Committee considered the proposed amendments and on the Committee's recommendation the Commission approved them as follows:

Paragraph 8(b)(3) After "sei" add "or Bryde's"
Paragraph 9(a) First line, add "Bryde's" after "sei",
Fourth and sixth lines, add "and Bryde's" after "sei"
Paragraph 18(1)(i) Between sixth and seventh lines add '"Bryde's whale" (Balaenoptera edeni or brydei) means any whale known by the name of "Bryde's whale"'.
(ii) Delete "and shall be taken to include Bryde's whale (B. brydei)" from last two lines at foot of page 7.
