(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Third Meeting")
(i) All member countries should implement an international observer scheme for the 1971/72 season. (ii) It should be carried out on a regional basis as follows: (1) the North Pacific, (2) Antarctic pelagic, (3) North Atlantic and (4) Southern Hemisphere land stations. The interested governments should meet to work out details in the very near future to be signed at a later date. (iii) Amendments to the Schedule were proposed in order to facilitate an early implementation of the scheme. (iv) The question of the cost to the Commission of the administration of the scheme should be referred to the Committee on Finance and Administration.
The Commission approved the following amendments to the Schedule:
Paragraph 1(a) Delete the words "and also such observers as the member countries engaged in pelagic whaling may arrange to place on each others' factory ships." Paragraph 1(b) Delete the second sentence. Add a new paragraph, "Paragraph 1(c) - There shall be received such observers as the member countries may arrange to place on factory ships and land stations or groups of land stations of other member countries. The observers shall be appointed by the Commission and paid by the Government nominating them."
The Chairman of the Finance and Administration Committee (Dr Sprules) reported that the Committee had considered these proposals and were satisfied that some additional costs in administration would be incurred by the Commission. It was not possible to say at this stage how much was likely to be involved and the Committee recommended that for the coming whaling season the governments of the member nations participating in the Scheme be requested to provide any additional funds required by the Secretariat to administer the Scheme pro rata on the basis of the respective national catches of whales. For subsequent seasons, it recommended that the matter be reconsidered at the next annual meeting in the light of the estimated cost of the first year's operations and of the estimated cost in the following year. The question could then be considered of assessing each member nation a very small token cost or contribution of say 0, thus giving every member of the Commission the opportunity to make a small contribution to the cost of administering this most important Scheme. The balance of the cost would be met by the participating nations pro rata based on the national catches of whales. The Committee's recommendations were accepted by the Commission.