20. Collection of Catch, Effort and Length Distribution Data
(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Third Meeting")
A report on the present position of this work which is being undertaken for
the Commission by the Bureau of International Whaling Statistics is included
in the Director's report referred to in paragraph 6.
Further work, notably in connection with the catches in the North Pacific,
has still to be done and as the funds provided by the Commission for this
purpose have been exhausted the Scientific Committee recommended that a
further sum of 00 should be paid.
This was considered by the Finance and Administration Committee.
In order to meet this expenditure it would be necessary to draw further on the
accumulated balance and in view of the Commission's financial position the
Commissioner for Norway undertook to recommend to his Government that the cost
of the work that had to be done this year might be met by Norway.
Appreciation of this offer was expressed, particularly having regard to the
substantial expenditure already incurred by Norway in maintaining the Bureau.