11. Stocks of Smaller Cetaceans

(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting")

The Scientific Committee received the report of the meeting held in Canada to enquire into the stocks of the smaller cetaceans and recommended that the Commission should seek funds to have the report and supporting documents published in the Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. This was supported by the Technical Committee and adopted by the Commission. The Commissioner for Canada said that an estimate of the cost of publishing the report was about 20,000 dollars. He said it was clear from the Finance and Administration Committee's Report that the Commission could not undertake expenditure of this order within its present budget but he thought it was appropriate for the Commission to be associated with the publication by some financial contribution. He said that Canada would be prepared to contribute 5,000 dollars and he hoped that others would be able to see their way to contribute to meeting the cost. The Commissioners for the United States and Norway each said that their governments would be prepared to contribute 5,000 dollars.
