19. Implementation of Proposals for Strengthening the Secretariat
(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Sixth Meeting")
There was a short discussion on the procedure for establishing the new
administration and some general guidelines were suggested.
With regard to the appointment of the full time Secretary there was general
agreement with the suggestion that the post should be advertised and that the
applications should be screened by a small group set up with, it was hoped,
the co-operation of the United Kingdom Government with the Secretary who would
select the most suitably qualified applicants for consideration by a group of
about seven of Commissioners including the Chairman, and the Chairman of the
Scientific Committee, whose choice of the applicant for the appointment should
be notified to all the Commissioners in writing for their approval.
The Commissioners for Argentina, Japan, the United Kingdom, the USA and the
USSR indicated that they would wish to serve on the Selection group.
The Commissioner for Japan said that his Government would like to invite the
Selection group to meet in Tokyo if such a course commended itself to the
With regard to acquiring accommodation for the Commission's offices, it was
considered that this should be in the London area or elsewhere within
reasonable reach of London preferably in the vicinity of a related scientific