(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Ninth Meeting")

(i) Permit for 1976-77
The Scientific Committee had received a detailed paper on Bryde's whales taken in the Southern Hemisphere under a special permit issued by Japan. It noted that the fullest possible data including morphological measurements should be collected from whales taken under such permits.

(ii) Advance review of permit
The Scientific Committee recognised that member governments are not required to submit permits to the Scientific Committee for prior review, but they believe that this is desirable in order to make the maximum use of the material obtained. After discussion, the Commission agreed to an addition to Rule XVII of the Rules of Procedure, dealing with the function of the Scientific Committee (Appendix 10).

The Commission supported a new Rule of Procedure adopted by the Scientific Committee, by which this review procedure can be implemented, and noted that the Scientific Committee will prepare a list of minimum data collection requirements.

Canada suggested that the Schedule might be amended next year to require permit proposals to be made available to the Scientific Committee for review, and Japan stated that her 1977/78 plans for a Bryde's whale special permit catch will be submitted in accordance with these rules.
