(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Ninth Meeting")
(a) Report by Chairman of action taken
The Chairman reported that in accordance with the resolution adopted at the
28th Annual Meeting of the Commission he had addressed letters to the
appropriate authorities in Chile, Republic of Korea, Peru, Portugal, Somalia
and Spain.
Australian authorities also made approaches on his behalf to fisheries offices
in China and Indonesia on this matter.
The only definite response received was from Portugal, indicating that the
question was under study and the Commission would be notified as soon as a
decision is reached.
Non-member whaling nations were also invited to send observers to the 29th
Annual Meeting.
(b) Prohibition of importation of whale products
Because of legal difficulties in incorporating suitable wording into the
Schedule, the USA proposed a resolution to encourage whaling nations outside
the IWC to join the Commission by preventing their whale products from being
imported by IWC members.
After some drafting changes, the Commission adopted this resolution shown in
Appendix 7, Japan abstaining.