(from "Chairman's Report of the Twenty-Ninth Meeting")

(a) Review of criteria
The United Kingdom had proposed that the possible error in estimating MSY, the effect of variability and the speed with which changes in populations can be detected justify a margin of safety in the management criteria which have already been recognised to some extent. However, in consequences of the effect of harvesting on the variability of the population is a new element which, added to the procedural lag of the regulating system, justifies a review of the adequacy of the present safeguards.

The Scientific Committee recognised that the points raised are important, but agreed that insufficient information is available at present, and that the matter should be further examined at its next meeting. The UK stressed the importance of ensuring that such a discussion does take place, and this was endorsed by the Technical Committee and accepted by the Commission.

(b) Review of stock categories
The Scientific Committee was considering additional categories for addition to the Schedule, to cover stocks for which adequate stock assessment information does not exist. The Chairman of the Scientific Committee reported that they had decided not to recommend the establishment of new classification categories but to re-examine the matter at the next meeting. This was supported by Canada, who suggested that there should be a full discussion of all the criteria. The Technical Committee agreed and the Commission accepted that the present three categories remain the same for the coming year, noted that the matter will be re-examined at the next Annual Meeting and recognised the problems of inter-specific effects by sei and minke whales.

(c) IUCN resolution
The Scientific Committee considered each of the four main points raised by the IUCN concerning the ecological and safety aspects of management and the conservation and monitoring of resources. These are all met to a greater or lesser extent by the IWC's present management policy. The Commission accepted the Scientific Committee's report on the recommendation of the Technical Committee.
