(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting")
The Commission received the report of the Scientific Committee through the
Technical Committee concerning small cetaceans and endorsed their
recommendations as follows:
- (1)
- The northern bottlenose whale Hyperoodon ampullatus should have
continued provisional classification as a Protection Stock for the entire
North Atlantic.
- (2)
- The bottlenose whale research programme as recommended at the 1977 meeting
(Rep. int. Whal. Commn 28: 66) should be carried out with emphasis on
sightings and marking.
- (3)
- Catch statistics on the incidental kill of small cetaceans in the
international purse seine fishery by vessels of IWC member nations (Panama,
Mexico, Canada and France) should again be requested. Canada reported that it
has an observer programme arranged for 1978 to monitor its small catch
associated with tuna fishing in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.
- (4)
- Research by member nations into competition between small cetaceans and
fishermen should be encouraged.
Reports should be sent to the Secretary of the Commission.
- (5)
- Attention should be drawn to the Scientific Committee's recommendation on
the management of small cetaceans at the 1976 meeting (Rep. int. Whal.
Commn 27: 49, 480) that there is an urgent need for all international body
to effectively manage stocks of all cetaceans not covered by the present IWC
- (6)
- Statistics and data (as outlined in Rep. int. Whal. Commn 27:
480-1) on all types of small cetacean fisheries (including direct, incidental
and live capture) should be submitted to the IWC as part of the national
scientific progress reports, to be reviewed by the small cetaceans
sub-committee of the Scientific Committee and forwarded to the Bureau of
International Whaling Statistics.
The USA reminded the Commission that it had adopted a Resolution at the 29th
Annual Meeting covering some of these requirements (Rep. int. Whal.
Commn 28: 30).