(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-First Annual Meeting")

12.1 Bering Sea Stock of Bowhead Whales
A Technical Committee Working Group which had considered the Alaskan Eskimo fishery for bowheads had proposed a dual system of management, involving research and management to be undertaken by the USA and a Schedule amendment which set a ceiling to any catches taken. A proposed amendment included provision for interim measures in the absence of complete information on the stocks. The Scientific Committee stated at the fourth successive meeting of the Commission that from a biological point of view the only safe course is for the kill of bowhead whales from the Bering Sea stock to be zero. It also believes that if present estimates of gross recruitment rate are accepted, then the population will decline even in the absence of catches.

By majority vote the Technical Committee recommended a Schedule amendment which would allow for a catch in 1980 of 18 landed or 27 struck. It also agreed to a supporting Resolution.

Australia spoke strongly on the need for the IWC to preserve the species and believed that the scientific advice is unequivocal. Seconded by New Zealand, it proposed a zero quota which was defeated by 6 votes for to 8 against with 9 abstentions. The original proposal was then put to the vote, but failed to achieve the necessary three-quarters majority to amend the Schedule, with 13 votes in favour, 5 against and 5 abstentions. The USA emphasised the need for a balance to be struck between the interests of the whales and those of the Eskimos, and indicated its Government's concern in this matter. It proposed, seconded by the Republic of Korea, that the catch limit in 1980 should be 18 landed or 26 struck, and this was adopted by the Commission with 12 votes in favour and 4 against, with 7 abstentions. The supporting Resolution was modified slightly and approved by the Commission (Appendix 4). The Commission also endorsed the recommendation of the Scientific Committee that efforts to confirm the validity of the recruitment rate and the distribution of bowhead whales could be expanded, and the USA, USSR and Canada indicated that they are prepared to co-operate in appropriate research programmes.

12.2 Greenland Humpback Whales
The Technical Committee, by a majority vote, endorsed the recommendation of the Scientific Committee that the exemption for a Greenland catch of 10 humpback whales be removed from the Schedule. The USA expressed its concern over the take of 20 whales off Greenland in 1978 and Denmark stated that this was a failure in reporting which is being remedied. The catch in 1979 had been stopped at 10. Research in the area is difficult because of the practical problems encountered. Denmark stressed the importance of this catch to the local communities, and that consumption is exclusively by Greenlanders.

The Commission rejected the proposal by 6 votes in favour to 7 against with 9 abstentions. It then adopted the following recommendations of the Scientific Committee through the Technical Committee by agreement:

that steps should be taken to reduce the deaths due to net entrapment off the coasts of Canada and the USA;
that the Secretary communicate with flag countries believed to be taking humpbacks in the North-East Atlantic and with the nations (Spain, Portugal) off whose coasts these vessels are operating, pointing out the danger posed to the recovery of this depleted stock:
that the status of the species off Peru be thoroughly investigated.

The UK commented on the small captures averaging one per year taken off Bequia and it will report the Commission's concern to its appropriate authorities.

12.3 Gray Whales
The USA and Mexico presented a joint report on research and conservation programmes being carried out on gray whales. The USSR provided information to the Scientific Committee and is expanding its research programme on this species. The whales are taken for human consumption only and the USA encouraged the USSR to supply data requested by the Scientific Committee including information on utilisation.
