(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-First Annual Meeting")

South Africa reported on steps it has taken to restrict the activities of the independent whaling vessel Sierra. These include restraints on the provision of finance, crew, stores and prohibitions on off-loading and importation of products. It expressed concern about additional vessels being refitted ostensively as trawlers which might be used for whaling.

Other countries including the Netherlands and Japan indicated the measures they have taken to prohibit the import of whale products from non-member countries.

The Commission noted with approval the various measures that members had taken in this matter and adopted a Resolution (Appendix 9) put forward by the USA whereby member nations undertook:

to cease importing whale products from and exporting whaling vessels and equipment to non-member countries.
to support a textual prohibition on the above in any new international convention dealing with whales and whaling.
to consider national legislation prohibiting whaling by non-member nations within their fishery conservation zones.

The Commission also agreed, on the proposal of Seychelles, seconded by the Netherlands, that the Secretary should draw up and distribute annually a register of whaling vessels of member countries to make it easier for Contracting Governments to take appropriate action against the whaling operations of vessels flying flags of convenience.

Panama stated that it is prepared to revoke the registration of any vessel under its flag proved to be whaling outside the IWC regulations. The Commission did not adopt its suggestion that it should seek information on company ownership and employment from certain member nations, since this information can be obtained on request.
