(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting")

16.1 Register of whaling vessels
The Commission received the Third Draft Register of Whaling Vessels compiled from information supplied by member governments which had been verified on behalf of the Secretariat. An addendum listed Japanese information which had arrived too late for verification.

The Seychelles pointed out that the Schedule requires information on towing vessels to be submitted and asked that future editions of the Register should include such information.

Norway commented that all its small fishing vessels which are licensed for whaling are recorded but similar vessels from other countries do not appear in the Register. Iceland stated that it employs no towing vessels.

The Netherlands asked that since experience shows some vessels are easily and cheaply converted or re-converted for use as whaling vessels, could member governments now disposing of whaling ships give the Secretariat details of to whom such vessels are loaned, given or sold? France and the USA expressed their interest in this matter, and the Commission concurred with the request. Japan stated that it already provides this information.

16.2 Statistics of all imports and exports of whale products
The Commission noted the replies received from India, Japan, Switzerland and the UK in response to a request to all member governments for statistics of all imports and exports of whale products in the same detail as contained in customs statistics.

16.3 Insurance carried by whaling vessels operating outside the IWC
The Secretary had asked all member governments to provide names and addresses of suitable contacts who might provide information on insurance by non-IWC whaling vessels. Response from organisations suggested by the USA and from other sources indicated that no insurance arrangements could be identified. It is difficult to make these enquiries without specific information on any vessel concerned but contact made with the Secretary of the International Union of Marine Insurance in Switzerland is continuing to see if any co-operation may be possible. The Secretary will report back to the meeting next year on any further developments.
