(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting")

6.1 Report of joint working group
A Joint Working Group of the Technical and Scientific Committees met under the Chairmanship of Mr K. Yonezawa (Japan) prior to the Annual Meeting, with the following terms of reference:

to consider, in the light of the current information on whale stocks and the degrees of uncertainty that exist concerning some of the data and methods used, what conceptual approaches might be used to provide the Commission with more effective scientific advice and recommendations for management and
to determine the studies required to implement these approaches and
to establish a timetable for in-depth assessment of whale stocks which should be completed for major stocks currently exploited as soon as practicable.

The only material presented to the Working Group was the report of the deliberations of the Scientific Committee on this subject. Discussion focussed on issues raised in that report and various suggestions were made regarding the tasks of the Working Group and of the Scientific Committee. Agreement was reached upon future work for the Scientific Committee and for members of the Working Group in relation to management issues.

The Scientific Committee had identified four specific issues for comment:

Specific management issues.
General methodological concerns.
Relationship between management policies and assessment methods.
Future role of the Scientific Committee.

Various ideas were put forward as suitable ways to proceed.

Japan suggested that the Scientific Committee carries out any additional analyses and reviews of methodology that it needs and completes a Comprehensive Assessment by 1990 at the latest.

Norway considered that a general review of the management procedures would not assist the Working Group to achieve its objectives. Attention should be focussed on developing procedures for a Comprehensive Assessment and that this could be done independently of any management issues.

The USA considered that the interpretation of what was involved in the Comprehensive Assessment was far from clear. It suggested that interested delegations should consider the issue further and meet as needed to develop specific proposals for next year.

The Working Group therefore agreed that:

the Scientific Committee should continue deliberations on the relevant points raised in its report;
as in previous years, the Scientific Committee continues to review the status of stocks;
interested members of the Working Group should collaborate throughout the year about problems of management procedure related to a Comprehensive Assessment.

6.2 Action arising
Japan moved, and the USSR and the USA seconded the adoption of the report of the Joint Working Group, and this was agreed by the Technical Committee. Although the Working Group had not dealt with the future role of the Scientific Committee in formulating management recommendations, the Technical Committee noted, after a question for clarification, that it followed from the Schedule that management advice was a normal part of the review of stocks.

This action and comments were supported by the Commission.
