(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-Seventh Annual Meeting")

9.1 Scientific meeting
The Scientific Committee had reviewed the planning previously undertaken for this meeting and had appointed a steering group to work by correspondence should the meeting be held in the next year. However, it had placed this item as of lower priority relative to some other meetings, because it was aware of few studies of specific relevance to the Commission.

Seychelles re-stated its offer to host the scientific meeting and had allocated funds to support participants from Indian Ocean States, but recognised that there may be other priorities within the Commission. It was still ready to host the meeting in 1987.

The Chairman of the Finance and Administration Committee reported that, bearing in mind the financial constraints and the scientific priorities, it would not recommend the allocation of funds for the meeting this year, although some members wished for a firm commitment in the next year.

The Netherlands, because of its firm commitment to the Sanctuary concept, did not wish for a further delay and supported a meeting in 1987, a position also taken by India, Australia, Kenya and Oman. These nations indicated their belief that a meeting would generate further scientific activity and also have importance in terms of the administration and cooperation between nations bordering the Sanctuary.

The Technical Committee agreed in principle to support a recommendation for the meeting to be held in 1987, and in the plenary session the delegations of Seychelles, Australia, France, India, Oman, South Africa and Kenya submitted a proposal in the following terms:

An important initiative of the IWC was to establish a whale sanctuary in the Indian Ocean where all species of whales would be left undisturbed. The IWC identified the need generally to review that decision after 1985. In order to promote this review the above delegations believe it is imperative to establish a Sub-committee with the responsibility for this. They propose that this Sub-committee should be composed initially of representatives of member states within the Indian Ocean area, but any other member states will be welcome to participate. The first task of the Sub-committee would be to plan the proposed review meeting in the Seychelles in 1987 and to bring forward suggested plans for approval by the Commission at its 1987 Annual Meeting.

The Commission approved this proposal, recognising that it had no financial implications in the current year.

9.2 General review of prohibition of commercial whaling in the Indian Ocean Sanctuary
The Technical Committee agreed and the Commission approved that this meeting should be held after the Scientific Meeting.
