(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-Eighth Annual Meeting")
9.1.2 Report of Planning sub-committee
A Planning sub-committee, comprising delegates from Antigua and Barbuda,
Australia, Japan, Oman, the Seychelles and the USA, chaired by Mr R. Delpech
(the Seychelles), was established to discuss the plans for the scientific
meeting; it agreed that its task was broader in scope and should include a
meeting to discuss administrative aspects.
The sub-committee identified the need to develop an effective administrative framework to implement activities within the Sanctuary approved by the IWC and noted the desirability of IWC member nations and other nations by invitation, particularly those bordering the Indian Ocean, being involved in meetings prior to the reconsideration of the Indian Ocean Sanctuary by the IWC.
The sub-committee therefore recommended that there be two interrelated meetings for the general review of the Sanctuary:
Some overlap between these two meetings is desirable for purposes of economy and interchange of ideas between the two. The sub-committee developed a proposed agenda and recommended its acceptance together with the framework proposed by the Scientific Committee. It also recommended the establishment of another steering group to continue preparations for the administrative meeting. Tentative dates for the meetings would be 24-28 February for the scientific meeting and 26 February - 1 March 1987 for the administrative meeting. The Government of the Seychelles renewed its invitation to host these meetings.
The UNEP observer indicated that it would provide financial support for non-IWC member Indian Ocean coastal states to attend the meetings and will facilitate training for local researchers. This offer was welcomed by the Technical Committee and the Commission.
Australia strongly supported the Sanctuary concept and the scientific research it should promote and had provided funding earmarked for this purpose. India also spoke in support of the plans proposed. The Technical Committee therefore recommended that the two meetings identified should be held as planned, and also endorsed the agendas and the financial and other arrangements proposed. All these proposals were accepted by the Commission.
The Steering Group for the administrative meeting was agreed as the Seychelles, Australia, India and Oman.
9.2 General review of prohibition on commercial whaling in the Indian Ocean
The Technical Committee recommended and the Commission agreed that the two
meetings to be held in the Seychelles should report to the 39th Annual Meeting
when the Schedule provision concerned could be further considered.