(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting")

13.1 Report of Technical Committee Infractions Sub-committee
Mr B.O.J.R. Glaubitz (Netherlands) presented the report of the Infractions Sub-committee which he had chaired, and which had been attended by delegations from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Denmark, People's Republic of China, Iceland, Japan, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Seychelles, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Sweden, USSR and the USA.

13.1.1 Infractions reports from Contracting Governments
No infractions were reported from the Antarctic last season. The Sub-committee noted the details and penalties imposed for the infractions reported outside the Antarctic. The infractions recorded in aboriginal subsistence whaling were also noted, especially the steps being taken by the Danish authorities and the Greenland Home Rule Government to improve the necessary arrangements in Greenland.

13.1.2 Reports from International Observers
It was noted that the reports from observers at the Japanese land stations and the Japanese and Soviet factory ships in each case agreed with the infractions reports submitted by the flag governments.

13.1.3 Other matters from earlier years
The Sub-committee recommended that the Commission request those member nations that have not yet submitted to the Secretariat their most recent national laws and regulations relating to whales and whaling or changes in these to do so as soon as possible, especially those nations currently engaged in whaling operations.

It also repeated its previous recommendation that Peru be urged to submit its outstanding infractions reports for the 160 animals authorised to be taken in 1984.

There was discussion of allegations of four possible infractions committed in Philippine waters by a Philippine registered ship with the possible involvement of a Japanese company. As the Philippine did not attend the meeting it was recommended that the Secretary should write to that government seeking their comments on this matter.

13.3 Action arising
The Technical Committee agreed to endorse all the recommendations from the Infractions Sub-committee, which were then adopted by the Commission.
