(from "Chairman's Report of the Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting")
Only one written submission was available to the Working Group, from Australia, which described some socio-economic implications of the 1978 closure of the whaling station in Western Australia. This had initial economic and employment implications but these had dissipated over a short period. A whaling museum had now been established and a whale watching industry has evolved elsewhere in Australia.
Brazil made a preliminary report of economic and social data related to its whaling operation in recent years, and Spain indicated that a paper is being prepared.
The Working Group emphasised that the terms of reference are intended only as a model, with enough flexibility to accommodate the greatly differing circumstances Governments are asked to describe. It solicited the submission of as much information as is available to member governments by reasonable efforts. The Secretary was also requested to contact non-member governments and international inter-governmental organisations which may be able to supply material relevant to the terms of reference.
The Working Group considered that the results of its deliberations would constitute an important input for the Commission's work in reviewing the effect of setting zero catch limits. To this end, it was felt that governments may need more time to collect and evaluate the appropriate information. It therefore recommended that it should reconvene in two years' time to prepare a preliminary report in time for full consideration at the 1990 Commission meeting. For this purpose, member governments with direct experience were requested to present their submissions three months before the 1989 Working Group meeting.
In the interim, the Chairman of the Working Group through the Secretary should maintain contact with the members and circulate to all members of the Commission any progress reports or other submissions received.
7.2 Action arising
The proposals for further actions and a meeting in two years' time were
seconded by Japan, Mexico and Norway, and adopted by the Commission.