(from "Chairman's Report of the Forty-First Annual Meeting")
A fifth proposal, for a proposed meeting on the mortality of cetaceans in fishing nets and traps had been endorsed in principle by the Commission but not funded due to budgetary considerations. This year the Committee again recommended that this technical meeting be held, noting that participants should be scientific experts and not specifically delegates from IWC member nations. The Committee also recommended that a further IWC/IDCR Southern Hemisphere minke whale assessment cruise be undertaken in 1989/90.
In addition to the above two proposals generated within the Scientific Committee, it also reviewed five unsolicited research proposals of which it recommended three for funding. In reviewing these, the Scientific Committee made two general recommendations concerning advice given by the Secretariat to proposers:
The 1989/90 proposals were referred to the Finance and Administration Committee.
The Technical Committee endorsed the recommendations noted above.