(from "Chairman's Report of the Forty-First Annual Meeting")

Under this item Seychelles introduced a document on Preliminary Considerations on Management Procedures presented by Australia, the Federal Republic of Germany, New Zealand, Seychelles, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK. It was not intended for discussion at the meeting but as guidance to the scientists developing new management procedures, and Seychelles proposed that it should be annexed to the report of the meeting.

Norway believed it inappropriate to do this, since a full discussion had already taken place under agenda Item 9, and it might change the balance of the previous discussions. Switzerland thought it important not to exclude such a contribution. Iceland believed an appropriate mechanism could be found, and it supported the development of revised management procedures incorporating continued protection of seriously depleted stocks.

The Chairman suggested the paper should be circulated for information to Contracting Governments and members of the Scientific Committee. This was accepted by Seychelles, Brazil and Iceland and agreed by the Commission.
