ICRW (International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling) was signed by the following 15 nations on December 2nd 1946, however only 9 nations ratified it by July 1st 1948 when the Convention came into force.
Australia, Canada, France, Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, U.S.S.R., Brazil*, Denmark*, New Zealand*, Argentina*, Chile*, Peru* (* : did not ratified ICRW)
Although Iceland, Panama and Sweden did not sign the Convention in 1946, they notified the membership to the U.S. government by the 1st Annual meeting in 1949. Thus IWC started by 12 member nations.
1948 | Australia (10-Nov) Iceland (10-Nov) Netherlands (10-Nov) Norway (10-Nov) South Africa (10-Nov) United Kingdom (10-Nov) United States (10-Nov) Soviet Union (10-Nov) France (3-Dec) Panama (3-Dec) |
---- |
1949 | Sweden (28-Jan) Canada (Feb) Mexico (30-Jun) New Zealand (2-Aug) |
---- |
1950 | Brazil (9-May) Denmark (23-May) |
---- |
1951 | Japan (21-Apr) | ---- |
1959 | ---- | Norway Netherlands |
1960 | Argentina (18-May) Norway (23-Sep) |
---- |
1962 | Netherlands (4-May) | ---- |
1964 | ---- | Sweden |
1966 | ---- | Brazil |
1969 | ---- | New Zealand |
1970 | ---- | Netherlands |
1974 | Brazil (4-Jan) | ---- |
1976 | New Zealand (15-Jun) | ---- |
1977 | Netherlands (14-Jun) | ---- |
1978 | Republic of Korea (29-Dec) | ---- |
1979 | Seychelles (19-Mar) Sweden (15-Jun) Peru (18-Jun) Chile (6-Jul) Spain (6-Jul) |
---- |
1980 | Switzerland (29-May) Oman (15-Jul) People's Republic of China (24-Sep) |
Panama |
1981 | India (9-Mar) St Lucia (29-Jun) Dominica (9-Jul) Jamaica (15-Jul) Uruguay (15-Jul) St Vincent & The Grenadines (22-Jul) Costa Rica (24-Jul) Philippines (10-Aug) Egypt (18-Sep) Kenya (2-Dec) |
---- |
1982 | Monaco (15-Mar) West Germany (2-Jul) Belize (15-Jul) Senegal (15-Jul) Antigua & Barbuda (21-Jul) |
Canada |
1983 | Finland (23-Feb) Mauritius (17-Jun) |
Dominica |
1984 | ---- | Jamaica |
1985 | Ireland (2-Jan) Solomon Islands (18-Jul) |
---- |
1988 | ---- | Belize Philippines Mauritius |
1989 | ---- | Egypt |
1990 | ---- | Solomon Island |
1991 | Ecuador (2-May) Venezuela (11-Jul) |
Uruguay |
1992 | Dominica (18-Jun) St Kitts and Nevis (24-Jun) |
Iceland |
1993 | Grenada (7-Apr) Solomon Islands (10-May) |
---- |
1994 | Austria (20-May) | Ecuador |
1995 | ---- | Seychelles |
1998 | Italy (06-Feb) | ---- |
2000 | Guinea (21-Jun) | ---- |
2001 | Morocco (12-Feb) Panama (12-Jun) |
Venezuela |
2002 | San Marino (16-Apr) Benin (26-Apr) Gabon (08-May) Palau (08-May) Portugal (14-May) Mongolia (16-May) Iceland (10-Oct)*1 |
---- |
2003 | Nicaragua (5-Jun) Belize (17-Jun) Mauritania (23-Dec) |
---- |
2004 | Hungary (1-May) Tuvalu (30-Jun) Côte d'Ivoire (8-Jul) Belgium (15-Jul) Suriname (15-Jul) Mali (17-Aug) Kiribati (28-Dec) |
---- |
2005 | Czech Republic (26-Jan) Slovak Republic (22-Mar) The Gambia (17-May) Luxembourg (10-Jun) Cameroon (14-Jun) Nauru (15-Jun) Togo (15-Jun) |
---- |
2006 | Guatemala (16-May) Cambodia (1-Jun) Marshall Islands (1-Jun) Israel (7-Jun) Slovenia (20-Sep) |
---- |
2007 | Croatia (10-Jan) Cyprus (26-Feb) Ecuador (10-May) Greece (16-May) Laos (22-May) Guinea-Bissau (29-May) Uruguay (27-Sep) Eritrea (10-Oct) |
---- |
2008 | Romania (9-Apr) Congo (29-May) Tanzania (23-Jun) Lithuania (25-Nov) |
---- |
2009 | Estonia (7-Jan) Poland (17-Apr) Ghana (17-Jul) Dominican Republic (30-Jul) Bulgaria (10-Aug) |
---- |
2011 | Colombia (22-Mar) | ---- |
*1 In the 2001 meeting, voting was carried out about membership of Iceland and it was decided to keep status of Iceland as observer nation. However, from the point of view of international law, legality of this decision was dubious. In October 2002, IWC special meeting was held to discuss some items and Iceland's full membership was 'officially' approved by vote.