24. - (a) All whale catchers operating in conjunction with a factory ship shall report by radio to the factory ship:

the time when each whale is taken
its species, and
its marking effected pursuant to paragraph 20(b).

(b) The information specified in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall be entered immediately by a factory ship in a permanent record which shall be available at all times for examination by the whaling inspectors; and in addition there shall be entered in such permanent record the following information as soon as it becomes available:

time of hauling up for treatment
length, measured pursuant to paragraph 23
if female, whether lactating
length and sex of foetus, if present, and
a full explanation of each infraction

(c) A record similar to that described in sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph shall be maintained by land stations, and all of the information mentioned in the said sub-paragraph shall be entered therein as soon as available.

(d) A record similar to that described in sub-paragraph (b) of this paragraph shall be maintained by "small-type whaling" operations conducted from shore or by pelagic fleets, and all of this information mentioned in the said sub-paragraph shall be entered therein as soon as available.

25. - (a) All Contracting Governments shall report to the Commission for all whale catchers operating in conjunction with factory ships and land stations the following information:

methods used to kill each whale, other than a harpoon, and in particular compressed air

number of whales struck but lost

(b) A record similar to that described in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall be maintained by vessels engaged in "small-type whaling" operations and by native peoples taking species listed in paragraph 1, and all the information mentioned in the said sub-paragraph shall be entered therein as soon as available, and forwarded by Contracting Governments to the Commission.

26. - (a) Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention, within two days after the end of each calendar week, of data on the number of baleen whales by species taken in any waters south of 40° South Latitude by all factory ships or whale catchers attached thereto under the jurisdiction of each Contracting Government, provided that when the number of each of these species taken is deemed by the Secretary to the International Whaling Commission to have reached 85 per cent of whatever total catch limit is imposed by the Commission notification shall be given as aforesaid at the end of each day of data on the number of each of these species taken.

(b) If it appears that the maximum catches of whales permitted by paragraph 11 may be reached before 7 April of any year, the Secretary to the International Whaling Commission shall determine, on the basis of the data provided, the date on which the maximum catch of each of these species shall be deemed to have been reached and shall notify the master of each factory ship and each Contracting Government of that date not less than four days in advance thereof. The taking or attempting to take baleen whales, so notified, by factory ships or whale catchers attached thereto shall be illegal in any waters south of 40° South Latitude after midnight of the date so determined.

(c) Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention of each factory ship intending to engage in whaling operations in any waters south of 40° South Latitude.

27. Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention with regard to all factory ships and catcher ships of the following statistical information:

(a) concerning the number of whales of each species taken, the number thereof lost, and the number treated at each factory ship or land station, and

(b) as to the aggregate amounts of oil of each grade and quantities of meal, fertiliser (guano), and other products derived from them, together with

(c) particulars with respect to each whale treated in the factory ship, land station or "small-type whaling" operations as to the date and approximate latitude and longitude of taking, the species and sex of the whale, its length and, if it contains a foetus, the length and sex, if ascertainable, of the foetus.

The data referred to in (a) and (c) above shall be verified at the time of the tally and there shall also be notification to the Commission of any information which may be collected or obtained concerning the calving grounds and migration of whales.

28. - (a) Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention with regard to all factory ships and catcher ships of the following statistical information:

The name and gross tonnage of each factory ship.

For each catcher ship attached to a factory ship or land station:

the dates on which each is commissioned and ceases whaling for the season

the number of days on which each is at sea on the whaling grounds each season

the gross tonnage, horsepower, length and other characteristics of each; vessels used only as tow boats should be specified.

A list of the land stations which were in operation during the period concerned, and the number of miles searched per day by aircraft, if any.

(b) The information required under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) should also be recorded together with the following information, in the log book format shown in Appendix A, and forwarded to the Commission:

where possible the time spent each day on different components of the catching operation

any modifications of the measures in paragraphs (a)(2)(i)-(iii) or (b)(1) or data from other suitable indicators of fishing effort for "small-type whaling" operations.

29. - (a) Where possible all factory ships and land stations shall collect from each whale taken and report on:

both ovaries or the combined weight of both testes

at least one ear plug, or one tooth (prefarably first mandibular).

(b) Where possible similar collections to those described in sub-paragraph (a) of this paragraph shall be undertaken and reported by "small-type whaling" operations conducted from shore or by pelagic fleets.

(c) All specimens collected under sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) shall be properly labelled with platform or other identification number of the whale and be appropriately preserved.

(d) Contracting Governments shall arrange for the analysis as soon as possible of the tissue samples and specimens collected under sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) and report to the Commission on the results of such analyses.

30. A Contracting Government shall provide the Secretary to the International Whaling Commission with proposed scientific permits before they are issued and in sufficient time to allow the Scientific Committee to review and comment on them. The proposed permits should specify:

(a) objectives of the research;

(b) number, sex, size and stock of the animals to be taken;

(c) opportunities for participation in the research by scientists of other nations;


(d) possible effect on conservation of stock.

Proposed permits shall be reviewed and commented on by the Scientific Committee at Annual Meetings when possible. When permits would be granted prior to the next Annual Meeting, the Secretary shall send the proposed permits to members of the Scientific Committee by mail for their comment and review. Preliminary results of any research resulting from the permits should be made available at the next Annual Meeting of the Scientific Committee.

31. A Contracting Government shall transmit to the Commission copies of all its official laws and regulations relating to whales and whaling and changes in such laws and regulations.
