1. The following expressions have the meanings respectively assigned to them, that is to say:
"baleen whale" means any whale which has baleen or whale bone in the mouth, i.e. any whale other than a toothed whale.
"blue whale" (Balaenoptera musculus) means any whale known as blue whale, Sibbald's rorqual, or sulphur bottom, and including pygmy blue whale.
"bowhead whale" (Balaena mysticetus) means any whale known as bowhead, Arctic right whale, great polar whale, Greenland right whale, Greenland whale.
"Bryde's whale" (Balaenoptera edeni, B. brydei) means any whale known as Bryde's whale.
"fin whale" (Balaenoptera physalus) means any whale known as common finback, common rorqual, fin whale, herring whale, or true fin whale.
"gray whale" (Eschrichtius robustus) means any whale known as gray whale, California gray, devil fish, hard head, mussel digger, gray back, or rip sack.
"humpback whale" (Megaptera novaeangliae) means any whale known as bunch, humpback, humpback whale, humpbacked whale, hump whale or hunchbacked whale.
"minke whale" (Balaenoptera acutorostrata, B. bonaerensis) means any whale known as lesser rorqual, little piked whale, minke whale, pike-headed whale or sharp headed finner.
"pygmy right whale" (Caperea marginata) means any whale known as southern pygmy right whale or pygmy right whale.
"right whale" (Eubalaena glacialis, E. australis) means any whale known as Atlantic right whale, Arctic right whale, Biscayan right whale, Nordkaper, North Atlantic right whale, North Cape whale, Pacific right whale, or southern right whale.
"sei whale" (Balaenoptera borealis) means any whale known as sei whale, Rudolphi's rorqual, pollack whale, or coalfish whale.
"toothed whale" means any whale which has teeth in the jaws.
"beaked whale" means any whale belonging to the genus Mesoplodon, or any whale known as Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris), or Shepherd's beaked whale (Tasmacetus shepherdi).
"bottlenose whale" means any whale known as Baird's beaked whale (Berardius bairdii), Arnoux's whale (Berardius arnuxii), southern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon planifrons), or northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus).
"killer whale" (Orcinus orca) means any whale known as killer whale or orca.
"pilot whale" means any whale known as long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melaena) or short-finned pilot whale (G. macrorhynchus).
"sperm whale" (Physeter macrocephalus) means any whale known as sperm whale, spermacet whale, cachalot or pot whale.
"strike" means to penetrate with a weapon used for whaling.
"land" means to retrieve to a factory ship, land station, or other place where a whale can be treated.
"take" means to flag, buoy or make fast to a whale catcher.
"lose" means to either strike or take but not to land.
"dauhval" means any unclaimed dead whale found floating.
"lactating whale" means (a) with respect to baleen whales - a female which has any milk present in a mammary gland, (b) with respect to sperm whales - a female which has milk present in a mammary gland the maximum thickness (depth) of which is 10cm or more. This measurement shall be at the mid ventral point of the mammary gland perpendicular to the body axis, and shall be logged to the nearest centimetre; that is to say, any gland between 9.5cm and 10.5cm shall be logged as 10cm. The measurement of any gland which falls on an exact 0.5 centimetre shall be logged at the next 0.5 centimetre, e.g. 10.5cm shall be logged as 11.0cm. However, notwithstanding these criteria, a whale shall not be considered a lactating whale if scientific (histological or other biological) evidence is presented to the appropriate national authority establishing that the whale could not at that point in its physical cycle have had a calf dependent on it for milk.
"small-type whaling" means catching operations using powered vessels with mounted harpoon guns hunting exclusively for minke, bottlenose, beaked, pilot or killer whales.