Note: Since it was not possible to distribute the total catch for North Atlantic and Arctic on the different kinds of whales and nationalities, total number of each whale in the first table do not conform with other tables. Figures in the first table are correct.

Whaling in 1910-11 and summer 1911
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
South Georgia 85 168 6,197 - - 791 6,529
South Shetland 306 487 2,027 - - 5022 3,322
Falkland Islands 2 25 70 195 - - 292
Kerguelen - - - - - 873 87
- East Africa - - - - - 5374 537
- Natal - - - - - 1,0513 1,051
- Cape Province - - - - - ca. 5003 ca. 500
- Angola - - 2,289 - - - 2,289
Brazil - - 102 - - - 102
North Atlantic and Arctic:-
- Scotland and Ireland 5 344 4 130 18 1335 634
- Faroe Islands - - - - - 3366 336
- Iceland 20 193 1 4 1 2096 428
- Svalbard 43 100 - - - 17 144
- Newfoundland - - - - - 3353 335
- St. Lawrence Gulf - - - - - 558 55
Pacific (north) - - - - - 1,4519 1,451
Japan and Korea 243 974 60 375 163 12310 1,938
Chile - - - - - 3783 378
TOTAL 704 2,291 10,750 704 182 5,777 20,408
1) Right whales.
2) 21 right whales and 481 not specified.
3) No specification.
4) Almost exclusively humpbacks.
5) 2 bottlenoses and 131 not specified.
6) No specification. Mostly fin whales.
7) Bowhead.
8) No specification. Blue whales and fin whales.
9) No specification. Figures incomplete.
10) 2 right whales and 121 grey whales.

Whaling results for the various countries: 1910-11 and summer 1911
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
Argentina 22 62 1,527 - - 281 1,639
Brazil - - 102 - - - 102
British Commonwealth 23 70 1,671 195 - 1,406 3,365
Chile 40 71 316 - - 61 433
Japan 243 974 60 375 163 1232 1,938
Norway 308 477 6,852 - - 3,626 11,263
Portugal - - 217 - - - 217
U.S.A. - - - - - 1,4513 1,451
TOTAL 636 1,654 10,745 570 163 6,640 20,408
1) Right whales.
2) 2 right whales and 121 grey whales.
3) No specification. Figures incomplete.

Norwegian whaling: 1910-11 and summer 1911
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
South Georgia 42 61 3,069 - - 351 3,207
South Shetland 266 416 1,711 - - 4962 2,889
Kerguelen - - - - - 873 87
- East Africa - - - - - 5374 537
- Natal - - - - - 5045 504
- Cape Province - - - - - ca. 5003 ca. 500
- Angola - - 2,072 - - - 2,072
North Atlantic and Arctic - - - - - 1,0896 1,089
Coast of Chile - - - - - 3787 378
TOTAL 308 477 6,852 - - 3,626 11,263
1) Right whales.
2) 15 right whales and 481 without specification.
3) No specification.
4) Almost exclusively humpbacks.
5) Mostly humpbacks.
6) Mostly fin whales.
7) To a great extent blue whales.

British whaling: 1910-11 and summer 1911
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
South Georgia 21 45 1,601 - - 161 1,683
Falkland Islands 2 25 70 195 - - 292
Africa - - - - - 5472 547
North Atlantic and Arctic - - - - - 8433 843
TOTAL 23 70 1,671 195 - 1,406 3,365
1) Right whales.
2) No specification.
3) Mostly fin whales.

Whaling of other countries: 1910-11 and summer 1911
Area Blue Fin Humpback Sei Sperm Others TOTAL
South Georgia 22 62 1,527 - - 281 1,639
South Shetland 40 71 316 - - 61 433
West Africa - - 217 - - - 217
Brazil - - 102 - - - 102
Pacific (north) - - - - - 1,4512 1,451
Japan and Korea 243 974 60 375 163 1233 1,938
TOTAL 305 1,107 2,222 375 163 1,608 5,780
1) Right whales.
2) No specification. Figures incomplete.
3) 2 right whales and 121 grey whales.

The Committee for Whaling Statistics,
"International Whaling Statistics - XXVII", Oslo, 1951
