Whaling by IWC member nations in 1984-85 and summer 1985
Area Blue Fin Sei Bryde Sperm Minke Others TOTAL
Southern Hemisphere:-
- Brazil - - - - - 598 - 598
- Japan - - - - - 1,941 - 1,941
- U.S.S.R - - - - - 3,027 - 3,027
North Atlantic:-
- Denmark
- 9 - - - 2231 82 240
- Iceland - 161 38 - - 145 - 344
- Norway - - - - - 771 - 771
- Spain - 48 - - - - - 48
North Pacific:-
- Japan - - - 317 400 320 - 1,037
- Korea, Rep. of - 1 - - - 122 - 123
- Philippines - - - 40 - - - 40
- U.S.S.R. - - - - - - 1683 168
- U.S.A. - - - - - - 124 12
TOTAL - 219 38 357 400 7,147 188 8,349
1) Estimated figure, aboriginal catch.
2) Humpback whales, aboriginal catch.
3) Gray whales, aboriginal catch.
In addition, one gray whale was struck.
4) 11 Bowhead whales and one gray whale, aboriginal catch.
In addition, 6 Bowhead whales were struck.

International Whaling Commission Report 1984-85,
International Whaling Commission Report 1985-86,
"International Whaling Statistics - XCV", Cambridge, 1988.
