Whaling by IWC member nations in 1985-86 and summer 1986
Area Blue Fin Sei Bryde Sperm Minke Others TOTAL
Southern Hemisphere:-
- Japan - - - - - 1,941 - 1,941
- U.S.S.R - - - - - 3,028 - 3,028
North Atlantic:-
- Denmark
- 91 - - - 1471 - 156
- Iceland - 76 40 - - - - 116
- Norway - - - - - 379 - 379
- St. Vincent &
the Grenadines
- - - - - - 22 2
North Pacific:-
- Japan - - - 317 200 311 - 828
- Korea, Rep. of - - - - - 69 - 69
- U.S.S.R. - - - - - - 1693 169
- U.S.A. - - - - - - 304 30
TOTAL - 85 40 317 200 5,875 201 6,718
1) One of fin whales may be a sei - identificationnquestionable. Aboriginal catch.
2) 2 Humpback whales. Aboriginal catch.
3) Gray whales including 1 lost. Aboriginal catch.
4) 28 Bowhead whales, of which 8 struck and lost, and 2 gray whales.
Aboriginal catch.

International Whaling Commission Report 1985-86,
International Whaling Commission Report 1986-87
