Whaling by IWC member nations in 1988-89 and summer 1989
Area Blue Fin Sei Bryde Sperm Minke Others TOTAL
Southern Hemisphere:-
- Japan - - - - - 2411 - 241
North Atlantic:-
- Denmark
- 102 22 - - 732 22 87
- Iceland - 683 - - - - - 68
- Norway - - - - - 174 - 17
- St. Vincent &
the Grenadines
- - - - - - 05 0
North Pacific:-
- U.S.S.R. - - - - - - 1796 179
- U.S.A. - - - - - - 267 26
TOTAL - 78 2 - - 331 207 618
1) Special permit.
2) Aboriginal catch. Includes two humpback whales
3) Special permit.
4) Special permit.
5) No aboriginal catch this year.
6) Gray whales, including 1 lost. Aboriginal catch.
7) Bowhead whales, of which 8 struck and lost. Aboriginal catch.

International Whaling Commission Report 1988-89,
International Whaling Commission Report 1989-90
