Whaling by IWC member nations in 1998-99 and summer 1999
Area Blue Fin Sei Bryde Sperm Minke Others TOTAL
Southern Hemisphere:-
- Japan - - - - - 3891 - 389
North Atlantic:-
- Denmark
- 92 - - - 1852 - 194
- Norway - - - - - 5913 - 591
- St. Vincent &
the Grenadines
- - - - - - 24 2
North Pacific:-
- Japan - - - - - 1005 - 100
- Russian Fed. - - - - - - 1246 124
- U.S.A. - - - - - - 487 48
TOTAL - 9 - - - 1265 174 1448
1) Special permit.
2) Aboriginal catch, 2 fin whales and 5 minke whales struck but lost.
3) Commercial operation based on legitimate objection to the moratorium.
4) Aboriginal catch of humpback whales.
5) Special permit.
6) Aboriginal catch of 1 Bowhead whale and 123 gray whales.
7) Aboriginal catch of 47 Bowhead whales and 1 gray whale.

International Whaling Commission Report 1998-99,
International Whaling Commission Report 1999-2000
