Whaling by IWC member nations in 2002-2003 and Summer 2003
Area Fin Humpback Sei Bryde's Minke Sperm Bowhead Gray Others TOTAL Operation
- Japan - - - - 440 - - - - 440 Special Permit
North Atlantic:-
- Denmark
91 11 - - 1991 - - - - 209 Aboriginal subsistence
- Iceland - - - - 372 - - - - 37 Special Permit
- Norway - - - - 6473 - - - - 647 Whaling under Objection
- St. Vincent &
the Grenadines
- 1 - - - - - - - 1 Aboriginal subsistence
North Pacific:-
- Japan - - 50 50 1514 10 - - - 261 Special Permit
- Korea - - - - 55 - - - - 5  
- Russian Fed. - - - - - - 3 1286 - 131 Aboriginal subsistence
- U.S.A. - - - - - - 417 - - 41 Aboriginal subsistence
TOTAL 9 2 50 50 1479 10 44 128 - 1772  
1) 9 fin whales (including 3 struck but lost), 185 minke whales (including 7 struck but lost), 1 humpback whale (killed after being injured by rifles) in West Greenlandand.
Take of 14 minke whales (including 1 struck but lost) was in East Greenland.
2) Including 1 struck and lost.
3) Including 9 struck but lost.
4) Including 1 struck and lost.
5) An affair of illegal catch (see IWC/56/Rep 4 for details).
6) Including 2 struck but lost.
7) Including 6 struck and lost.

Catches by IWC member nations in the 2002 and 2002/2003 seasons. Prepared by the Secretariat (IWC/55/30),
Catches by IWC member nations in the 2003 and 2003/2004 seasons. Prepared by the Secretariat (IWC/56/45)
