731部隊「マルタ」の出処ハバロフスク裁判、裁いたソ連は何をやっていたのか - 儀右衛門の備忘録 - 歴史記憶の迷路を辿る

投稿日時:2020-06-23 20:51:03


ソ連ハバロフスク裁判(1949年12月25日~12月30日)の公判資料【細菌用兵器ノ準備及ビ使用ノ廉デ起訴サレタ元日本軍軍人ノ事件ニ関スル公判書類】(1950年)。 被告となった【川島清】の供述である。





※どの言語版も出版は【外国語図書出版所モスクワ】当時ソ連の国営出版社 a state-run publisher 






参考論文 ”The first generation of the Soviet BW program commenced about 1928~”

BW=biological warfare=生物(細菌)戦

The Soviet Biological Weapons Program and Its Legacy in Today’s Russia

In its first Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Case Study, the Center ...

National Defense University Press





↑と同じ研究者Raymond A. Zilinskasによる論文

The Anti-Plague System and the Soviet Biological
Warfare Program https://www.nonproliferation.org/wp-content/uploads/cns-archive/antiplague/zilinskas.pdf





  ※アメリカ日本占領資料関係ーー"Terrain Study No. 2, Southeastern Siberia, Section 1, Airfields" 1950年   「南東シベリア地形地勢研究その2、航空基地」暫定版。米第8軍とあるが日本駐留主力









How It All Began

The Soviets have a long history of experimenting with chemical (CW) and bacteriological warfare (BW) agents. Our first glimpse at this gruesome industry came from the extensively compiled data performed by Dr. Walter Hirsch of the German Chemical Warfare Section.(4) This data was based on documents and interviews with Soviet CW and BW officers who worked in the various plants and experimental facilities. This information was kept tightly guarded by the NKVD (Precursor of the KGB).

In his report Hirsch states: "...chemical warfare agents were tried on political prisoners in most inhuman ways without any consideration whatsoever." It was also noted in this report that a Professor Klimoshinski used human beings as experimental subjects in 1941 in Ulan Bator and other sections of Mongolia, using anthrax, pest and glanders. In most cases, the experimental subjects were Soviet prisoners and in some cases Japanese war prisoners. In the summer of 1941 the escape of one of the experimental subjects started a Bubonic plague epidemic among the Mongols. In an effort to stop the plague from spreading further, 3000 to 5000 Mongols were slaughtered.(5) It is known that there are numerous BW proving grounds located throughout the Urals and in Mongolia, mostly in close proximity to political prisoner camps so as to furnish "human experimental subjects."




中国「米軍が新型コロナウイルスを撒いた」陰謀論ーー1950年代の再現か | 章表紙 | 戦後ハバロフスク裁判資料への疑問