Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption (2014/07/29) Laura Hillenbrand 商品詳細を見る |
Long Night's Journey into Day: Prisoners of War in Hong Kong and Japan 1941-1945 (2001/09/30) Charles G. Roland 商品詳細を見る |
Starvation and diseases such as diphtheria, beriberi, dysentery, and tuberculosis afflicted all these unfortunate men, affecting their lives not only in the camps during the war but after they returned home. Yet despite the dispiriting circumstances of their captivity, these men found ways to improve their existence, keeping up their morale with such events as musical concerts and entertainments created entirely within the various camps.
Prisoner of the Turnip Heads: Horror, Hunger and Humour in Hong Kong 1941-1945: Horror, Hunger and Humour in Hong Kong, 1941-45 (2014/05/16) George Wright-Nooth 商品詳細を見る |
孤高の鷲〈上〉―リンドバーグ第二次大戦参戦記 (学研M文庫) (2002/02) チャールズ リンドバーグ 商品詳細を見る |
Charles A. Lindbergh: Lone Eagle (Library of American Biography Series) (2006/03/17) Walter L. Hixson 商品詳細を見る |
日本軍は本当に「残虐」だったのか―反日プロパガンダとしての日本軍の蛮行 (2014/12/05) 丸谷 元人 商品詳細を見る |